Yes, there is a new love in my life. I decided to adopt a puppy. My daughter saw an ad at the Petaluma Shelter for some puppies that just became available. They are little mixed breeds of poodle, cocker and terrier and maybe something else, who knows?There were 4 of them available, 2 males, 2 females. They were little Heinz 57 dogs and soooo adorable. I went down to the shelter to view them on the day they said they would have them there to view. The day I went down there I was incredibly depressed. I put an application in for the puppy, never dreaming they would call me. There were about 50 applications for the dogs and they picked me! When I saw their pictures there was one puppy that I really really wanted, but I thought, if its meant to be, its meant to be. When I put the application in, I didn't specify which dog I wanted at all. I didn't even specify male or female. I just figured if it worked, God would make sure I got the right one. So when they called, they told me that one male and one female was left and which one did I want? I hemmed and hawed, and finally said, "how about the female?" And guess what? It was the one I really really wanted.... a little golden brown cutie and they told me to come and get her the next week after they had her spayed. They spayed her, microchipped her, heartwormed her and did her first vaccinations all for $53. I can't believe it! One of the things that was keeping me from getting a puppy was the expense. I didn't want to pay $250 to a shelter, or buy a pedigree dog and THEN have to go get them spayed etc. Tthe shelter did it all for me and that was a blessing. And this little puppy is going to be my therapy dog. She is already so good. She has only had one accident in the house since I got her 2 days ago. She sleeps good (of course with me) for the most part. She cries when I put her in her crate, but that will stop after a time. Right now, I'm just grateful for something to snuggle with in the morning again. Waking up to puppy kisses is a definite mood lifter. And I need something to help me thru this Christmas season. I've had some pretty hard "falls" so to speak. I completely lost it at advent service the other day....a total breakdown with uncontrollable sobbing.. Luckily my precious "posse" was there to hold me up and let me cry on their shoulders. And now I have a puppy, who I have names Sophie, to unconditionally love me and that is balm to a sore soul. I will keep you updated as to her progress. Right now, puppy therapy is a good, good thing.