My sister says I don't ALWAYS have to write about cancer. I know I don't. But, as I explained to her, my life is invested right now in cancer. If its not being at an appointment, or figuring out a schedule, its when is the NEXT appointment, or can I go to a ball game with my friends, cuz what if Barry is not feeling well or how do I anticipate he is going to feel or what can I cook for dinner that is mostly raw foods (this is NOT my thing).....etc etc etc. We had brunch at a friends house on Sunday and guess what we talked about? Cancer. When we get together with our friends, the topic always, first and foremost is cancer. How is he doing? What can I do for you? Its all good. I want them to ask. But it is so prevelant in my life. We can't plan any vacations, we can't go to Nascar for a day (too much walking and sun), he can't mow the lawn or fix the sprinkler system...its to fatiguing. There is this little cancer cloud that follows you wherever you go. That being said, I love my sister. She means well. We grew up only 15 months apart in age and most of the time we couldn't stand each other. We fought constantly. She loved horses, I loved dolls. She was a hippie-chick, I was a nerd and a goody goody. She liked dark room, I like light filled rooms. The list could go on forever. But when the chips were down...like when we survived the 1969 earthquake that messed up our house, we slept in the same bed holding hands for a few nights together. After she married and moved out, I missed her horribly. Ever since, we have been wonderful friends, e-mailing daily and keeping up with each other. We are a team, even tho she is in the Midwest and I am out west. Sister....you keep me going. and soooo the second half of this was NOT about cancer. Half is better than nothing!! xoxoxo love you sister! PS....this is my favorite picture of you!! teehee!
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