Thursday, July 21, 2011

Settling in

I'm settling in to my new home gradually. This is the first place I've ever had all by myself, and I have to say.....its weird. Amy and Amiah have been staying with me. Amy should be moving out next month and then I will REALLY have it all to myself. Me, myself and I have to deal with getting the dishwasher fixed and hanging the pictures and unpacking the boxes etc. I have to go to the breaker box and flip the switch when we blow a fuse. I have to take the dog out, pay the bills, keep track of the money, take the trash to the curb.....not that I can't do it. I can and I am. But when you've never had to worry about stuff like that and now you do....its weird. I have the pictures of Barry and I in a collage that my niece made for the memorial service hanging in my bedroom and I look at it every day. It seems like a million years ago....and it seems like yesterday. I wear his wedding ring on a chain around my neck and I must touch it 50 times a day, just to keep a connection with him. This whole thing feels strange. But this morning I woke up and actually thought that I would love to be able to stay "home" today and work on organzing my closet. This is the first time I thought of it as home. Its always been "the new place". So I guess thats a good sign, right?
I'm going to see my sister next week for a 5 day visit and my niece is coming too. It will be good to make some new memories and "play" for a few days. I can use a few more fun days in my life. Until then, I'm gonna work on "weird" changing into "normal". It make take some time, but I'm gonna do it. Weird, huh?

1 comment:

  1. Just remember that you have a great cloud of witnesses, lifting you to the throne of grace!
