Friday, December 30, 2011

This has not been an easy year......

That's an understatement. This has been an incredibly tough year for me. This is the first full year I've lived without my husband. I lost my house to foreclosure and moved into a manufactured home. I live by myself....for the very first time ever. My daughter used my debit card to steal thousands of dollars from me to support her drug habit. I raised Amiah by myself for a few months while my daughter was homeless. Yet, as awful as all of that was, I was blessed a thousand times over this year as well. I went to hang out with my friend Holly in Boise in February and that was a HUGE blessing. Just having a wonderful friend like that to just do a whole lot of nothing with, and feel comfortable doing nothing was great. I also went to see my sister in Missouri in the summer along with my precious niece Kim and my sister treated us both like royalty taking us to dinner and going to get pedicures and massages.....I'm still thinking about how great my toes looked! I also took a huge load of friends to Pismo Beach for my first anniversary without Barry and oh my did we have a good time!! I had one of my best belly laughs ever playing "Apples to Apples" with that bunch of women. I also had tears of rememberance, but it was softened by having my friends with me. I also went down to visit my niece in December to see her and the kids and my sister was there visiting as well. That was a quick trip, but so very very nice. Amy is in re-hab and seems to be doing very well. Patrick James was born in December and of course that was a huge blessing. I feel safe in my new little home and I have my sweet, silly puppy Sophie who is constantly entertaining. So I am looking forward to this next year being a bit better. Not quite as gut-wrenching. I wish all of you the happiest of new years and may blessings abound on us all!


  1. In her book about widowhood, Joyce Carol Oates said the most important thing a widow can do the first year is simply SURVIVE. You've done that with gusto and grace--and it has been an honor to behold and pray with and for you. None of us will ever forget Barry, you honor him and your marriage in your choice to move forward with love and tears. Bless you.

  2. Happy New Year Jan... may the year be full of surprise, adventure and happiness while you keep the memories alive.

    I pray for your daughter and am not a stranger to this painful journey...

    God's blessings in 2012 :)
