Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Being Grateful

Today, as I was getting ready for work and reflecting on this day in my life 4 years ago, I was struck by how different my life is now than when I envisioned what my life would be like 4 years ago.  Four years ago, I felt like my life had ended.  I remember so clearly the moment Barry passed away and I crumbled to the floor thinking in that very instant, my status went from married to widowed.  From having a husband, to being alone....no partner in life... having to mark either "single" on any form I filled out.  How would I go on?  What would I do?  Never having lived by myself, I was worried how I would do it because 33 years ago I went from my parents house to my husbands house.  What would I do about finances? Barry's business, life insurance etc.  So many things to do and worry about  .And my future?  What would that look like?  I saw a lonely future ahead of being the" fifth wheel" at all my friends houses when I was invited over, and always being the odd man out at weddings when everyone was slow dancing with their spouses and me looking on with tears in my eyes.  Never in my life would I have believed that 4 years later I would be married to another man whom I love so dearly, who loves me as much as a man could love a woman....that I would be living in a beautiful house on a golf course.....that I would have a wonderful life.  The point of all this is....we DON'T KNOW what life is going to bring us.  Just when things may seem hopeless, God knows and will be there.  Your life WILL get better.  There were a few years I didn't think that I could get through all that was happening in my life.  Barry was gone, finances were a mess, my daughter was a mess and I was raising my grand-daughter.....I wasn't sure if I could get through another day, but with God's help, and help from friends and family, I made it through.   YOU can make it through too.  It will get better.  Look to God and to your friends and family.  People are willing to help, you just have to "put it out there" , if you will.  I have learned so much in these last four years.  My life isn't perfect by any means and there will always be stress and rotten things that happen.  But I have a faith that sustains me, friends and family who love me and a God who is forever there for me.  For all of this, I am truly grateful.

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